Saturday, December 12, 2009

Nalgonda Flourosis Victims Pictures

when the portable water turned in to position and bite the lives of the people, the government cast a nelson's eye to their plight and once again exhibited criminal negligence with empty promises. The victimized poor rural folks resigned to it and blamed it for their fate.
Nearly twenty thousand flour sis victims in Nalgonda district are not actually Stabbed by the fate, but betrayed by the unmindful rulers and blind governmental Agencies.
In Nalgonda District nearly ten lakh people are living on the verge of death due to an over dose of fluorine in the drinking water which causes a dreadful Disease by name "Flourosis". This is indeed a curse to the people of the district.
Five hundred villages in the district are gripped by flourosis. Among which one hundred and sixty five to a severe extent. This disease is more prevalent in areas where the underground water resources are tapped and pumped out through pipes. Such water contains fluorine which gets dissolved in it and when people take it they get flourosis. "Reservoir Based Disease" is another name for this disease.
In the year 1932, Muller and Gudson revealed to the world the presence of this disease. They started studying the disease and its causes when their sheep was infected by the same. They finally concluded that it was due to an excess of flourine content in the water. They named the disease as flourosis. The disease was noticed spreading to many areas of the combined madras state in the same year.It was the king's institute of private medicine that confirmed the disease flourosis.
In the year 1945, it got spread to many areas of hyderabad district. Fluorine is essential for the dental and skeletal strength, but it should be only 1 p.p.m.(Parts per million) in the drinking water,according to the WHO. But where as in Nalgonda district where flourosis is prevalent, the flourine content in the water is 10 Today even in new areas of Deverakonda, Flourosis is playing havoc.
When a person drinks water with an excess of flourosis content, Flourinedisplacess calcium in the bones . As a result that bones get twisted and wakend.Even the blood vesseles get this flourine and the blood circulation is effected.
Flourosis is of two kinds
1.Dental Flourosis
2.Skeletal Flourosis
In Dental Flourosis , the teeth lose their shining and they gradually get spots of brownish and yellowish color. The flourine removes enamel coat over the teeth and as a final stage, The teeth get dropped. In Nalgonda district dental flourosis is moreprevalentt than skeletal flourosis.
The skeletal Flourosis isresponsiblee for disorderly development and the twist of skeletal bones. The sysmptoms of this disease are
1.Plain in the joints
2.Abnormal growth of bones at the joints
3.Inactive movements
4.Respiratory problems
Those who get this disease lose appetite and become sluggish. The victims may also become sterille.Thisdiseasee may lead other diseases like T.b, and pneumonia.
It ishearteningg to see people becoming 'OLD' even at the age of thirty.As their limbs become bow shaped, They need the support of a stick to walk.If the master of a house gents this decease one can imagine the sad plight of the family. If pregnant women happen to get this.The child in the womb will also not be spared of flourosis.
It is indeed a sad state of affairs that the central and state governments are not seriously viewing at this ethnic problem, while this decease is finding a room even in some foreignsciencee journals.



