Monday, December 21, 2009

Telangana Counter Ad To Lagadapati Advt

This Advt. was purely a reaction by Mr.M.Srinivasa rao to the Advt.Realeased by Mr. L.Rajagopal...We all (Ajit,Rakesh,Janardhan,Naveen)helped him technically & more willingly...If one man's reaction from TelangANA could be so much, what would it be if we all start to react...So,LETS REACT!...Calling all people who are so much part of this land....for contribution of ideas& ways to keep the Movement Alive!


  1. This is wonderful song.
    atleast you people now realize and give us the equality that you will never do it.
    So Supprot telangana
    Jai Telangana Jai telangana

  2. this telangana bidda reaction

